Start build on 1920s, the style ranch house most popular amongst the booming middle wars class of the 1940s to 1970s. The house styles is often associated tract house build this period, part on the western of United States, where experience an population explode this period, with a demand for house living. The ranch style export to other nations and also found in other countries. This popularity waned in the 20th century as neo eclectic styles house, a return to using history and traditional decoration, and get popular.
Most ranch house neighborhoods, as well as renewed interest in the house style from a younger generation who did not grow up in ranch house style. This renewed interest in the ranch style house has been compare to other house styles such as the bungalow and Queen Anne experience on 20th century, with dominance of the market, replacement as the desired living style house, decay and disinterest couple with most teardowns, and renewed interest also gentrification of the survive house.